
by - Thursday, September 11, 2008

i know i have been posting alot..but i like blogging!
at least i noe my limits mahs.. i still study okay?

school today was tiring for me..cos i am tired. hahahas!
gonna do my math test next week..
i think i have more confidence in math now. happy for me! hahahas!
mrs wong said our last day is 6 oct.. maybe, i not sure!
wee~ no need come sch anymore except for olevel.
ya~ this school...omg! wanna get out quick man!

wanna go work..so i will money..
use the money for alot of things.. going tour by myself..yes~ alone!
my dream! hahahas~
so free, do not need to care anyone..just walk urself... although it will be boring..
but i think it's not.

my parents came back..
they bought lotsa things.
i have new jean! new bag, new wallet!
and it's like cheaper than SG lars!

heard many funny stories from mummy.

i shall bang myself.. i missed Beethoven virus first episode ytd!
wad the fish!
geun suk oppa!
hope i dont miss epi 2 today.
gonna study abit later~ hees!

dont worry, i will be fine!
설아~ 파이팅!
shiting~ 너무 감사헤요!

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