
back to work..

by - Monday, November 09, 2009

yesyes. this weekend im back to work.
was at tm starhub. and i had fun! hahaha~ kana bully cos im short and lame. nvm!
ahahaha! they enjoyed! hahaha!

now emo time.. hahaha! no lars...
just blog wad i feel... since ive neglected my blog for so long.

firstly, i really miss my supper gang. after the guys left for ns. we seldom meet up. i miss 198 prawn mee. meet up soon. im partly at fault.. sorry! :)
secondly, to classmates and girlfriends.... for classmates, i have not joining u guys as much like we used to.. but still, just tell me your plans...hahaha! gym can count me out. hahaha! girlfriends, sorry for not meeting sometimes. i miss you girls alot alot.

boy, i have thinking alot too. im not as sweet as how other girls treat their boyfriends. im really not. maybe we dont noe each other deep well enough. so both of us have lots to learn. compromise is needed in love. i am the 我行我素 kind. but this is how i express but i serously love you.
i hope u still rmb wad i told u on thursday. i will keep my promises, but i hope u respect my freedom of doing certain things too. i noe my boyfriend will understand:)
i noe wad im doing and i have limits to it. i always reflect on myself ever since young. mummy taught me this.
boyfriend, i really need ur trust. soon, i will have more tests and projects. however, i will have some time with u... but maybe we wont meet as often. but i believe our hearts will stay strong cos we love each other. so no matter wher we are we still sense each other. right?

stop here for now.
need to sleep already..

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