
by - Wednesday, November 25, 2009

not gonna blog whatever things that are going on these past few days.
same old thing. sch, home, play.

term test timetable is out. and im gonna work doubly hard for my gpa.
working sitex tmr till sun... it will be fun. partner with lewis again:)
haha~ jasmine working too! yay!
going for eguides training camp too:)

done for now.

i read the post.

well, i did treat u as my boyf. but my character is like that. it's not my thinking. ask my friends... they get ignored by messaging me sometimes. if i treat u like a fren, do u tink i even bother u reply u with just ok, lol. the answer is NO. cos im like that. im independent and i hate hate hate pple to ask me to do this or that. i will do what is right. as long as i think ive done nothing wrong. even if i had, i will mend it.
and i tink, in relationship, most importantly is compromise. u have, i have too. so i tink u should stop demanding from me. i didnt ask for much. all i ask is you to be less sensitive and stop thinking unnecessarily.
ask youself how many times you keep asking me things and i tell u that u have tink too much. i hate repeating that. i hate it when u keep think and think and think. that's why sometimes i get really pissed off.
u choose not to say out cos u scare we will quarrel. me too.
everytime u blog, u make it sound that i am not making any effort.
boyf, it's really sad k.
i always hope for a zero stress relationship. a boy who can accept my character. cos i noe not many guys out dere would wan such a girl.

alright.. i shall end here.
off now.
goodnight my frens:)
classmates gonna miss me!

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