
by - Sunday, September 28, 2008

happy sunday!

did abit of SS...and i gave up after cracking on what to answer for the source-based questions. sucks man! hahas!
so i wanted inkigayo..and it was push an hour later. damn~
tune in and watched at 4.20pm.

managed to catch both comebacks!!!!!!!!!
i have caps!
posting later..cos i going off soon.

no one is at home currently.
last min, my parents got a pair of tickets to F1. how lucky~ hahahas!
so they went off already.
my idiotic sis was out in noon.
so the house left me!
shall cook maggi mee for dinner.
i have sch tmr!

most probably posting next weekend again.
staying back for self-study next week! i gonna make good use of my time!

junsu is hot!
oppa~! you're back!

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