
by - Saturday, September 13, 2008

good saturday, peepos!

i wanted to blog yesterday but i ended up talking to my mother for very long and then have to leave for dinner with my family. lols!

okay~ after school crazy around with the girls. to be frank, i have not been laughing my ass out for this week? ytd was the only day this week that i had laugh so crazy again with the girls. hahahas~ the topic was so......omfg~ funny! very funny! with them, we can make jokes anytime..i dont know why. i like jokes! hahahas~
then, we started taking pics.. i tell you..i dislike taking pics last time..very very long ago.. cos i dont seem to SMILEEE.. LOLS! but after i met these girls...i like to take pics alot. LOLS! it's a good thing! i thank them for this!

after that, adeline and i went home.

school was alright except after chem, i was not feeling very good. so giddy and felt like vomiting. PE, i did not play becos i was having gastric. ya~ LOLS!
recess, ate nasi lemak! hahaas~

for dinner, met my family for dinner at bedok. our 'lao di fang'~
my sister was superb noisy..my cousins couldnt stand her.. hahahas! went up to my eldest uncle's house. then, they started talking about their SFO trip. home then.. i was very tired.. and the expressway was jammed up. so we took a longer route back home. dajie, erjie and i slept throughout. reached home, i washed up and SLEEP!

woke up 9+ today..
feel so refresh! maybe i slept very long. LOLS!
may be meeting claris, joanne and weiting for laterns.. LOLS!
i dont know what time..have to ask!

okays~ off now!
will post pics next time!

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