
stop that!

by - Thursday, July 10, 2008

yo! im back!

life has been very very very busy for me. i only have like an hour of free time..for me to use the com..check mails...bla bla~
all becos of that major exam.. however, i am gonna study study everyday in order to see that colourful rainbow. hees~ i dont know why am i scared? i have been studying and understand what i'd actually did not...but why?
maybe it's becos ive retained and since then, whenever it's exam, i feel nervous. moreover, it's the Os now! wad the~ hahas!

anyway, have been staying in sch till evening..i just love studying in school cos i can focus and do more than at home! hahahas~ my sis is also liddat! she always go starbucks to study! but she's smart! i hate her for that~ no lars! joking~

enough of that..now next issue!

come on lars~ you know what u did just now frightened me? i hate it kies~ please keep a distance away from me! who are you to speak beside my ears.. hey! you are not my boyfren or my brother okays? fish man~ i feel so yucky! damn it! pls be more automatic.. i said i dont like you means dont like! no chances given, nothing!
and and! during oral, the way u wished me was abit irritating. lucky, i was not affected! darn~ stop speaking to me liddat! now u know why i dont wanna talk to you?!
fuk man!
that boy is really sickening! and stop haveing your eyes on me wherever i go, do... even if i unhappy, unwell, happy, sad...it's none of your fishing business! stop sms me asking me why i look so unhappy? etc... i dont need your concern! those concerns to me are damn irritating.. get it?
if his frens happen to read this, pls convey this to him! thankyou!


off to see my donghae and then my chem notes!

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