
by - Tuesday, July 08, 2008

yo peepo!
i shoudnt be blogging. however, when i went over wordpress and saw my suju hubbies leaving for japan. i wanna blog about them! hahahas~

school today was fine! we had fun! EM, did nothing.. was talking to jiahao and sherman. MT, i did my EL homework...but also listening to ms tee teaching SS. okays~ she's good at it! POA, again, i was careless that i see the sign and digits wrongly. hahas~ ms lin pulled my hair becos of this. ):
recess, chaywei and i was by the back corridor while going back to class...cos we saw someone.. hahas~ then, we met maylin and jiaxin.. oh god~ when jiaxin told me about that incident. i freak out. if im not wrong, i was standing quite in front when that thing happened..but im sure there's few more classmates standing in front of me. damn eerie...however, i dont know whether it is true anot... cos people might make up stories just to get notice! hahas~ EG, revision. and i caught no ball on what mrs wong said. rahh~ improving on SS yet my geog sucks. hahas~ mrs wong gave us chocolate waffle for youth day. so cute~ quite yummy lehs! nicer than kit-kat!! (:
physics, we played the FBT game again.. this time, mango nugget won again! WOW! lunch, went to canteen and eat. my ulcer is disturbing me!! rahh~
EL, ms mazna was absent. so i read my storybook. after sch, camwhore with the girls. we are crazy kies?
i guess u will have the chance to see it when they post it up...cos i dont have the pics with me..

and i have tons of pics haven post up.. however, i am not posting everything up here! can go to this site to see http://www.cyworld.cn/hseolr! the link is available just after my friendster link... (:

before i go...give u guys see a pic

suju is going Japan (i think they are already there).. SJ-M is going Japan from China. as said earlier, kibum is not going.(hais~)

Source: http://kpoplover4ever.wordpress.com/
pic credit: as tagged/baidu

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