

by - Saturday, July 19, 2008

dont be mistaken~
the title doesnt mean that today is monday!! hahaas~ i am not that idiotic to mistake days. LOLS!

today, i met joanne at cp to study. before, i met lukawa and his fren to pass them their clothes. pls continue to purchase from me!
got sprees going on at my blogshop! pls support!
and so... i did 2 years of physics papers and i am very very satisfied with myself. it's like i am doing more outside than at home. my com always distract me becos my hubbies are all waiting for me to check them on. kekeke~ however, i have tons of questions to ask mr tee..but it's too late to ask for prelim..therefore, i shall ask him after prelim. hahas! he's gonna be busy~ i did math after that.. but joanne and me were too tired then...so we stopped at 5pm. i went old chang kee to buy food! and then bus-ed home!

mummy went shopping and she bought 2 pair of shorts for me. and a bag...but not for me..however, i can use it too!
i told her about getting my phone after prelim.. before that, she agreed.. now she said the phone is expensive...wait for some time.. i am quite disappointed.. i understood the exppensive part.. but she should not promise me when she's still unclear... i am like so hoping that model to reach SG. now, even though it is not the original model but everything is the same. that's why i am keen to get that phone. my hope for that phone just smashed...darn sad and angry! i dod not know whether to blame her.... that's why children always said adults are so difficult to understand. they can promise you now...but change their mind later. hais~
blame me for being hopeful.
blame for being too confident on getting that phone.

i have learn to contradict....

anyways, prelim starts on monday.
and i am near towards my finishing line.
good luck to 4E5N...
i hope my humans can score~
i put alot of effort for it!

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