
by - Saturday, July 12, 2008

back yea?

yesterday, school was alright!
after school, went home. bathed and i went to meet adeline, chaywei and shiting. waited for bus...met claris, gekhan, joanna and weiting at their respective bus-stops. LOLS! so funny~ went to josette's house to put our stuff. walked to Sin Min lawn which is damn idiotic far..hahahas! did many foolish things...then the sky started to drizzle. wad the~ when we reached, the B boys just started their race. we went to sit beside the path they are passing by... cheered for 5Ns... for B girls, we cheered for felicia and christine. also jalyn..but i think she cant hear us.. hahahas!
actually, i dont wanna run...but in the end i ran~ hahas! idiot hors?! u noe wad? wen an and others kept blocking joanne. LOLS! soon, i lost joanne. saw aaron...then i asked where is shiting.. he continued running while i slow down.. however, i did not see shiting~ so i ran to the finishing line. so sorry sotong! hahahas~ joanne~ poor thing lars... being block! hahas!!
after the cross country, walked back to josette's house.. thanks for her shirt! hahahas~ went J8..dined at pizza hut! after that home!
cross country (road-run) this year is a total mess! i prefer running around sch! hais~ disappointment!

today, i complete my ss worksheet... i shall do summary tmr..
might be writing notes for ss later...cos nxt monday is SS...wad the~ scary!
good luck people!

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