
by - Monday, July 21, 2008


i have time to blog!! hahhas~

first day of prelim! so excited and nervous. i woke up early just to study my social studies. and i am damn hungry. you know, i did not have my lunch and dinner yesterday? hahas~ okays, my sister pissed me off early the morning..so i left home swearing at her! hahas~

okays. english paper 1 was first. i wrote on the topic 'Abused'...i hope my story is okay.. hahhas! i thought alot kies~ then break... revised on SS. but the table beside/behind us was damn noisy. the express students were making damn lot of noise. mostly only that boy... he told his friends that he had revised his chem..and had memorise QA.. and he said it damn loudly lars! wth~ the next paper is SS lehs! not chem! do you tink we care? stop bullshitting lars~ arrogant noob! and i dont know which sub was he referring to..he said he could finish in half an hour time.. WTF? dont let me see you still doing ur paper after 30mins then.. arrogant freak! how childish~
dont blame me for bloggin about him.. cos he had disturbed us.. we are trying to memorise our SS kies? crazy~ so random~
okays, SS was soso! i spent lotsa time on source-based. and i chose international conflicts for essay. i only know how to do part a...for part b, i can kiss goodbye that 13 marks. LOLS!

after papers, went to eat. and then home.
finally, i have found the korean fonts! omg! thanks soompi and yoonmi!
i will show you the fonts next time kies?
got to go~ seeya!

TVXQ's 4th jib!

my junsu hubby is coming back soon!

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