
by - Sunday, July 06, 2008

if you have noticed, i have changed my blogskin. hahhas~
not very well-done...but i still like it.

anyways, watched Golden Melody Awards!
Cao Ge won best male singer...Tanya Chua won best female singer!
congrats to them..tanya also won producer award. (:
Jay Chou was the big winner yesterday! but he wasnt at the ceremony because he have a concert at China.

okays... next!
i am so happy to see that donghae, kyuhyun, shiwon and ryeowook are back in korea..however, they are now in China again for some film festival perf. they are going back to korea again i think...

Super Junior will have their Fanmeeting in Japan on the 8th July. However, Kibum will not be going cos of filming.

can have one in Singapore?
Super Junior is confirmed to go to Malaysia for MTV Asia Awards!

omg! they are going Malaysia. i hope they also announce their concert in M'sia. cos mummy might allow me to go!!

okay...go to study now!

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