
by - Sunday, July 06, 2008

im back!

i was yawning after finishing my dinner. wth~ and my tooth still hurts.. darn~
uncle came to fetch us...once i hop in the car, i heard hsiao jing teng's song. wow~ how nice man! :D
uncle tong's new western food shop is around amk..i love his western food. all so nice! so different from others...the bun is nice too! LOLS! then, there was this uncle, he was drunk. and i heard from steven korkor that a person wanna return him his change...yet the person was scolded by that drunkard.. diaos right? i was like 'WOW~' hahhas~ chatting with dajie..and she never fails to bully me! urrgh! oh ya, i have no idea why my uncle starts making a ball with the foil on the beer glass.. you know there is this sort of aluminium sticker sticking on the glass... okay, so he make it like a ball...from small till big..he's going on and on.. i can assure you that once that ball hits u...u gonna get a bun! LOLS! left at 8 plus...

okay~ gfs keep changing the meeting time..i hope they wont change again... hahahas~ pls dont be late cos the movie starts at 2:50pm, according to claris...and we are meeting at 2:30pm.. have to buy tickets oso...hahahas!

gonna go off now... i tink i am sleeping soon!
keep yawning~ wth~

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