
by - Wednesday, July 16, 2008

since i have this little to leave a post here..before my mummy comes into my room and nags at me..hahas!

these few days, my classmates have been saying what 'pussy'..fyi, it has 2 meanings.. one is a cat another i shant elaborate.. damn disgusting term.. so i only know the cat meaning...
wth~ they kept pussy here and there. are they jealous? worst from boys~ wth! i am a girl..so if pussy is refer to a girl's body parts..i dont mind... cos i should have what a girl should have..right? however, it was damn disgusting when boys going around saying such fucking nonsensical stuff... i just wonder are they jealous? if so, just go for plastic surgery! althou not natural but u can stil have.. surgeries now are improving.. fuck man!

okays, i am happy that i have been studying..and today's ss lesson, i asked mrs wong questions..when the class was damn noisy and people were not listening..so i seized the chance to ask her more about source-based techniques...fyi, i wanna score B3 for humans.. hahahas! i tink i can! maybe not for prelim but for the Os.. i successfully got my questions answered..becos mrs wong dont always answer questions fully! hahahas!

okays.. enough of posting..mummy is coming..

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