

by - Monday, July 28, 2008

seriously, math p1 today was fucking difficult.. with my standard, i can say hello to U. it was a damn fucking discouraging paper... really!! wad the hell! i have no idea what the setter and vetter are trying to do. scare us before olevel? or telling us this is what olevel math standard...freaking damn hard to do!
chem... i can just scold myself for not putting enough effort..and im sure to get scoldings from my dear mrs raj. i like chem paper..but it's totally my fault. so let's say hi to F9 for sci. hahs!

just finishing glancing through poa notes... you noe what...i always glance poa notes..rmb formats and formulas...so that's how i study for poa. hahahas~

geog, i dont noe why i have no mood for it. cos i have to memorise 3 big topics for it. wth~ how can they put geog and poa on the same day. driving me nuts!

off now to memorise!

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