
by - Thursday, July 31, 2008

just see hubbies' updates on soompi.

saw this..


this is what i saw on sjbar .
few days back fans saw donghae 11pm at the playground playing slides? and there's a little boy told him "not allowed age above 12" omg.. lucky donghae didn't understand what the boy saying.. poor him i guess he's too bored!

quote from Suju Soompi thread

hahas~ donghae so cute..but the boy abit bad lars..let him play lors.. my hubby is bored mahs! hees!

Super Junior will reach Malaysia today. they are spread into 3 groups with diff arrival time. however, hankyung is not going. sad~ kibum is also not sure due to filming. no 13..hais!

i miss 13 alot. but lucky donghae going!

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