
Thursday, July 31, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
this is what ive made!! hahahas~nice? my hubby!credit me if taking out!hahhas~outing with the girls tomorrow.. but no pig..cos she's still resting at home!practical on monday..im the last shift.. hahahas~but the girls are all 2nd shift..hais!nvm lars...off now..will take pics tmr! ...

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Thursday, July 31, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
hello! mrs lee donghae is here!!my hubby, donghae is now in Malaysia. yup~kangin and shindong will reach tmr!i can feel him now..hahhas!bored~ off to do some photoshop!cyas~ ...

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Thursday, July 31, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
just see hubbies' updates on soompi.saw this..刚刚跟人家聊天,去守宿舍的女孩讲东海夜里11点下楼玩小区的滑梯,结果有个小男孩对东海说“12岁以上不许玩”东海没听懂,小金就把东海带回去了this is what i saw on sjbar .few days back fans saw donghae 11pm at the playground playing slides? and there's a little boy told him "not allowed age above 12" omg.. lucky donghae didn't understand what the boy saying.. poor him i guess he's too bored!quote from Suju Soompi threadhahas~ donghae so cute..but the boy abit bad lars..let him play lors.. my hubby is bored mahs! hees!Super Junior...

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
my 900th post was the one infront of this post!congrats to my blog!hahahas~now scolding session..pls bear with the vocabs im gonna use.sorry~i was saying that i can go america rite.. my teacher also say can..only my parents have to write excuse letter. so i was happy..that my worries had solved...now that fuking travel agency spoiled everything!! fuck man!initially, dajie told them 7 of us going...and $1900 per pax. but today morning, dajie told them might...

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last day of spree tmr!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
hello!peepos!if you want to make ur orders for my sprees at my blogshop..you have one more day to do so.after tmr, i will not accept anymore orders...so all orders after tmr will be automatically cancelled. (:hurry~ take ur orders!email to wonderfashion@hotmail.comloved!mrs wong did not pick up her calls again.hahahas~have to confirm with dajie by 5+..oh my~ ...

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
i didnt know that booking tickets can be so troublesome. also, it needs to be quick. so dajie has been contacting different arilines for flights and tickets to San Francisco on September. and it is during the holiday week. so tickets have to be book now.so mummy was thinking of bringing my sis and i together with them. i wish to go...but my sis will be having her prelims (her sch is crazy..setting prelims at...

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new layout!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
if u realised..hahhas!i have donghae beside the title too!see how much i love him!okays...geog today was okay..consider easy.. happy! hahahs~ hope can pull up my humanities grade. poa..hmm, like i said, i dont have too much hope for prelim..if i fail, i just have to say cos i did not put in all my effort..pass, i will say it's luck! let's see how poa paper1 kills me. hahahas!after papers, went home..oh ya...mrs wong drove me...

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Monday, July 28, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
seriously, math p1 today was fucking difficult.. with my standard, i can say hello to U. it was a damn fucking discouraging paper... really!! wad the hell! i have no idea what the setter and vetter are trying to do. scare us before olevel? or telling us this is what olevel math standard...freaking damn hard to do!chem... i can just scold myself for not putting enough effort..and im sure to get scoldings from my dear...

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Sunday, July 27, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
wth~ tmr is chem and i was studying geog..okay... seriously, i have not much interest on science now.. i dont know why.. i spent most of my time before the prelims studying science..and now i abandon it again, focusing on my humanities. alright, i shall wke up early tmr to study chem...cos chem is tmr...also, i dont tink i can ace my poa this time...you know what... i hate it that i cant do well...

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Sunday, July 27, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
good afternoon~currently having stomache...terrible~hahahas~okays, i dont know why i cant focus on studying chem...so i am forcing myself to study now..not much confidence for chem...but i will still try my best.. off now..needa study geog oso..hais! ...

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Saturday, July 26, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
yo!i am still studying. hahahas~met joanne, weiting and shiting to study. found a place at BK...waited for the girls to come and i did abit of chem tys... once they reached, shiting called..and we asked whether can we go to the house to study.. she said okay.. so we went cold storage to buy water...and went outside BK and mac...where they sell tidbits...bought some to shiting's house.. okays~ lalala!today study session was not a fruitful...

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Friday, July 25, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
yo!this is what i made!acceptable?hahhas~IM A ELF!credit: seolah, pingbook(pic)yep!i have sort out my notes for chem and geog... oh no~ i havent even touch on them at all.. and also my poa! i wanna ace it! hahas~ poa! my A1!i have nothing much to blog lars...just that i dont wanna study so...im here!hahaas~life has been really fine for me..i love my graduating year...cos of my friends.. hees~i am finally leaving the sch in a few...

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Friday, July 25, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
hello!weather damn nice... cold~ hahhas!physics paper today was @!$#%... whatever i studied did not come out... gonna flunk this paper for sure...now left chem to pull up my overall marks... wth~ hahas!i woke up 7am to study when i can wake up later for sch. aisshh~ angry lehs!gonna blog more later? moght be studying with joanne tmr!hahahas~btw, i make an icon for ELF! hahas~i will post later...ciaos!dont miss me! ...

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Thursday, July 24, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
shall blog and sleep after that..tmr, i do not have to report to sch early..cos i am taking the 2nd paper.i wanna thank my 13 boys... Super Junior! listening to their Super Show live concert CD... from track 1-36... they were singing to me while i study. hahhaas~ loved!life couldnt get better~oh ya, thanks josette! hahahas~ i will link you tmr? hhahas~ since you are willing to teach me! hahahs~ PS laoshi neh~ LOLS!im going...

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not focusing!

Thursday, July 24, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
yo!back yea..i am supposed to be studying my physics right now..yet i am blogging. shoot me! *piang piang*okays, eng p2 was average. i almost had no time for summary. phew~ lucky man! hahahas~ printed transformation notes.. borrowed from shiting and weiting. thankyou! emath p2 was okay? some questions could handle some not... one of the question is exactly the same as the test we took before.. wanna thank mr ng man!!! however, i got one...

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
hellos!went to sch today... joanne missed me like hell..hahahas!proceeded to the SRR once chaywei reaches the class. so went down..however, i ran up again..cos ive forgotten to take the card. gave mrs wong see...she said to plain..so she went to take markers..and thanks chaywei for helping to touch up the card! love you to bits!the minister came... i was so nervous. i passed him the card saying it was from our class.. and becos chaywei...

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Tuesday, July 22, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
before i go to my dreamland...i shall blog...cos tmr may not have time..and after tmr, i am going to be bury with my notes! my study table is turn into a rubbish dump once again.. hahas!only after prelims, it will transform again. hehs~ im crapping!alright~ i have so mich to do after prelims lehs.... i wanna upgrade my ps skills...so i may ask josette for help. hahahs~ i hope she dont mind... also, i wanna...

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Tuesday, July 22, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
hais~ studying at home today wasnt good at all!i could not concerntrate with my com in front of me. hahas~have to go sch tmr for the opening of SRR...and i am done with the card. horribly done~ but who will help me in the first place right? and i hate troubling people..cos you know some pple, when you ask them to help you do something. they accepted but complaining behind ur back. so what's the...

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Tuesday, July 22, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
yoyo!did you see something beside super junior pic?yesyes!click it to my blogshop okays?if there is a 'new' blinky..means there are sprees at my blogshop.if no 'new' sign means no spree~or spree closed..pls support kies? now taking orders...may send out orders after my prelims!so make it fast!can email me for queries...wonderfashion@hotmail.comcyas! ...

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Monday, July 21, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
안녕!i have time to blog!! hahhas~first day of prelim! so excited and nervous. i woke up early just to study my social studies. and i am damn hungry. you know, i did not have my lunch and dinner yesterday? hahas~ okays, my sister pissed me off early the morning..so i left home swearing at her! hahas~okays. english paper 1 was first. i wrote on the topic 'Abused'...i hope my story is okay.. hahhas! i thought...

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Sunday, July 20, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
i shall introduce my lovely hubby to you!he simply took my heart and now i love him to bits!i hope he will be back with Super Junior soon at korea. i miss seeing the 13 of them!it's already july! august coming! 13 of u!! can pls release new song? i miss donghae in korea!yups! his name is lee donghae!i dreamt about him~ tmr is prelim! i am taking my exams! and i hate it! hahahas~good...

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Saturday, July 19, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
dont be mistaken~the title doesnt mean that today is monday!! hahaas~ i am not that idiotic to mistake days. LOLS!today, i met joanne at cp to study. before, i met lukawa and his fren to pass them their clothes. pls continue to purchase from me!got sprees going on at my blogshop! pls support!and so... i did 2 years of physics papers and i am very very satisfied with myself. it's like i am doing more...

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Friday, July 18, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
hello!im here to post!i just cried while telling mummy i am confused. i told her i do not have any confidence to go for my exams. i broke down.. she kind of tell me off. she said what im lack of is CONFIDENCE. yes! i agree~ i dont have! i have been questioning myself whether i can make it..whether is the asnwer right or wrong! i never believe myself. never~ since young! however, mummy asked...

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
since i have this little to leave a post here..before my mummy comes into my room and nags at me..hahas!alright~these few days, my classmates have been saying what 'pussy'..fyi, it has 2 meanings.. one is a cat another i shant elaborate.. damn disgusting term.. so i only know the cat meaning...wth~ they kept pussy here and there. are they jealous? worst from boys~ wth! i am a girl..so if pussy is refer to a girl's...

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bad health~

Tuesday, July 15, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
okays!i dont know why..whenever it's exam time, i will have breathing difficulties.. not only when exams...when i am nervous, excited too.i was saying that i gonna study rite?yup, i have managed to write up notes..first time, studying at home, i wrote many!however, i decided to study the notes for olevel.. for prelim, i shall read the notes given by teacher.guess what, half way studying, i feel like throwing up. so i drank the glass of...

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Tuesday, July 15, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
hi!short post before studying!i will force myself not to blog this week!! including weekends..i will blog when i have some time... and the posts may be very short too!anyway, peepos! can do me a favour? click the ads kies?loveyou!i tink junsu and donghae both gave me power to study!so i go now!seeya~ ...

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Sunday, July 13, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
credit: PINGBOOK10 more pics on suju super show thailand!i really miss donghae! however, he wants me to study now!RIGHT NOW!i will~ hubby! i shall upload the rest when im free...this week gonna stay in sch quite late to study...prelim is just next week! i wanna get good result! not very very good! but acceptable!im sure all my hubbies want me to! jiayou everybody! ...

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Sunday, July 13, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
credit: PINGBOOK i will upload the rest tonight!too many pics!and connection lag!sorry~ ...

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Saturday, July 12, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
hello!back yea?yesterday, school was alright!after school, went home. bathed and i went to meet adeline, chaywei and shiting. waited for bus...met claris, gekhan, joanna and weiting at their respective bus-stops. LOLS! so funny~ went to josette's house to put our stuff. walked to Sin Min lawn which is damn idiotic far..hahahas! did many foolish things...then the sky started to drizzle. wad the~ when we reached, the B boys just started their race. we went to...

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Saturday, July 12, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
the weather stop me from touching my books. wth~keep sweating! fishball~one week to prelims..i dont know how will i score..but just hope the results will not be so discouraging that i may lose hope on my Os.. worry man!suju hubbies having concert today at thailand.. i hope everything goes well for them!oppa~ hwaiting!gonna eat lunch lers!blog more at nite! ...

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stop that!

Thursday, July 10, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
yo! im back!life has been very very very busy for me. i only have like an hour of free time..for me to use the com..check mails...bla bla~all becos of that major exam.. however, i am gonna study study everyday in order to see that colourful rainbow. hees~ i dont know why am i scared? i have been studying and understand what i'd actually did not...but why?maybe it's becos ive retained and since then, whenever it's...

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Tuesday, July 08, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
yo peepo!i shoudnt be blogging. however, when i went over wordpress and saw my suju hubbies leaving for japan. i wanna blog about them! hahahas~school today was fine! we had fun! EM, did nothing.. was talking to jiahao and sherman. MT, i did my EL homework...but also listening to ms tee teaching SS. okays~ she's good at it! POA, again, i was careless that i see the sign and digits wrongly. hahas~ ms lin pulled...

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Monday, July 07, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
back!i tell you i forget about my english homework.. shit!gonna do it tmr! i tink chinese lesson! hahas~and and! i bought a new notebook! see~ notebook fan!hahahs~ gonna write all my formulas in that book!tmr shall study physics and eg!good nite!i watched donghae vids just now.i miss him!suju msia concert!! faster~~~ ...

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Monday, July 07, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
SHINEEJONGHYUNStage name: Jonghyun (종현 or 鐘鉉)Birth name: Kim Jonghyun (김종현)Birth date: April 8, 1990 (1990-04-08) (age 18)Position: Lead vocalHobbies: Watching movie, Singing Specialties: Can speak ChineseKEYStage name: Key (키)Birth name: Kim Kibum (김기범)Birth date: September 23, 1991 (1991-09-23) (age 16)Position: Rap, Vocal Specialties: Can speak Chinese and EnglishMINHOStage name: Minho (민호 or 珉豪)Birth name: Choi Minho ((최민호)Birth date: December 9, 1991 (1991-12-09) (age 16)Position: Rap, Vocal Specialties: Can speak Chinese and EnglishONEWStage name: Onew (온유...

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Sunday, July 06, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
im back!i was yawning after finishing my dinner. wth~ and my tooth still hurts.. darn~uncle came to fetch us...once i hop in the car, i heard hsiao jing teng's song. wow~ how nice man! :Duncle tong's new western food shop is around amk..i love his western food. all so nice! so different from others...the bun is nice too! LOLS! then, there was this uncle, he was drunk. and i heard from steven korkor that a...

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Sunday, July 06, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
leaving the house soon..cos mummy said uncle asked to go uncle tong's shop for dinner. thus ask me along too.hahahas~ the adults asked me not to coop myself at home everytime. hahas~just that whenever it is school term, i dont like to go out during weekends.. i think these 2 years then liddat? i dont why... i think i wanna rest more..moreover, prelims and olevel are approaching...prelims a week more, olevel starting..cos of oral and...

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Sunday, July 06, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
if you have noticed, i have changed my blogskin. hahhas~not very well-done...but i still like it.anyways, watched Golden Melody Awards!Cao Ge won best male singer...Tanya Chua won best female singer!congrats to them..tanya also won producer award. (:Jay Chou was the big winner yesterday! but he wasnt at the ceremony because he have a concert at China.okays... next!i am so happy to see that donghae, kyuhyun, shiwon and ryeowook are back in korea..however, they are now...

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my toothache~

Saturday, July 05, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
good afternoon peepos!yesterday, i realised my 智慧牙(im not sure the spelling) is growing..so mummy said it hurts..today~ now, im having toothache..and the pain is getting worst and worst. i asked mummy whether will it affect me eating.. she said abit...so i asked i cant eat hard things lurh? she said if very pain lohs! i hope it wont be so painful that i cant eat properly.. so u may be seeing me talking slowly or...

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Saturday, July 05, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
this is the song sang by various kpop stars for the Sichuan's Earthquake.Producers:Park Jin-youngKang Je-kyeJackie ChanFigure skater:Kim YunaActors:Kim Ah-joongPark Yong-haKim Tae HeeHwang Jung MinJeon Hye-binHan Ji HyeHan Hye-jinYoo Seung-hoSingers:Kim Dong wan, Shin Hye Sung (Shinhwa)Goo Jun-yub (Clon)Jo Sung-moGan Mi-yeonClazziquaiJooWonder GirlsBrown Eyed GirlsBae Seul GiJang NaraJ LimChae YeonBattleLee Jung HyunSon Ho YoungWheesung ...

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Friday, July 04, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
hello!im here again!i really enjoyed my friday! hahahas~okays... something happened at the coffee shop outside our school yesterday.. and the whole school is banned from going to that coffee shop. i shall say goodbye to the prawn mee uncle! he'll sure miss me alot! hahaas~ i think it's kinda ridiculous. it's only a bubble tea~ hais!when i heard the school said this today.. i rolled my eyes.. imagine now the school has to even ban...

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Thursday, July 03, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
안녕!i have not blog for 2 days?miss me~?hahahas!!okays, school has been fine for me except my friends are little down...i cant help much but i will always be their back up!chaywei~ see this? hahahas~heck about those kinda despicable peepo!alright~ yesterday was my olevel chinese oral! i was the last third in my group. i was so well entertained by aaron and bernie! LOLS! we were trying to destress! the passage was tricky. and then, u...

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