
by - Thursday, August 07, 2008

watching hot shot now..i know quite slow..but becos only one episode per week..might as well watch slower right?

channel 55 is now showing golden bride every weekdays i tink @ 7pm. can see heechul in there..mtv taiwan is changed to mtv china.. i want watch mtv taiwan lars.. wth~ hahas!

ordered pizza for dinner today cos mummy lazy to go out to buy..also, it was raining.. love rain! cos the weather is cold. LOLS!

sch today was fine.. except i feel abit tired. photo-taking today.. finally we gonna have year book this year. hahas! took 3 shots... mr tang called my english name.. hahas! wth~ so shocked and i dont know how to react... hahas!

finally get to see pig toh.. we came back from toilet and saw this girl resemble her.. i think she miss me so badly lars..

so random right today..

ohya~ just now there was a girl..she came knocking at my door step..she told my mother what her bro is in hospital, not enough money for the fees and she's from a single parent family.. she asked us to buy ice-cream from her.. however, from her dressing, she dont look like one. if she is, why buy ice-cream? wth~ i think she and her frens are noobs..how many youngsters came to us to sell ice-cream...and she's trying to make us buy by lying. fishball lars~ just tell us that u are selling ice-cream can already what.. what for go make up story.. i rolled my eyes immediately. wth~ despise this kinda people. lying to consumers.. go bang wall!

tmr ndp celeb...sians..
i dont understand why they have inter-house cheer com. i think it's so lame. what does cheering has to do with national day?

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