
by - Friday, August 01, 2008

hellos everybody!

i am so dissatisfied today. cos i bought nothing! besides spending on food and movie ticket. wth~
fishball! lols~

you know, i watch the fancams for dont know how many times... especially the one i posted. cos u can see eunhae moments. and that fan was so damn close with them..*faints* but also, i wanna thank the fans...cos i can know how are they... donghae looks happy when i see him with the rest.. hees~

okays... joanne sent me the pics..althou not much but still we took pics..hahas~
i will upload tmr~

watching ntv asia awards tmr~ heehes!
that jalyn uh~ snatching mrs lee donghae's status with me...
hais~ but im 'officially' his!

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