
by - Friday, August 22, 2008

having conversation with adeline, joanne and shiting now.
shiting is finding the meaning of our names.. and guess what's mine?
i dont know whether it is true...
but i shant say it here! cos it's damn omg!
hahahas~ okies..now she said it's true!
joanne will be boasting it from now on..hahahs!

oral today... omg! passage was okay... no difficult words.. picture quite challenging? i tink i will score badly for picture... conversation was average. but there were a few questions that the examiner asked were not difficult just that i have no answer to it..have to think quite some time on wad to say! hahaas~
my fav is combined humans!

tomorrow gonna meet adeline to buy teachers' day stuff..cos we dont have time next week...


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