
by - Tuesday, August 19, 2008

okay... these 2 days my hair have been the topic for some people. and i dont think it concern them at all! not a freakin bit lors! they are just simply big fisher kpos!

i damn hate this kinda people. so i have a list of names in my hate list now. i dont care if they say 'that xue'e is damn petty lars'~ oh come on~ so what i am petty. if u say that, means you are sad to become my enemies. but i can only say u brought this upon urself.

alright~ changing my hair style is just simply i wanna try rebonding..it's becos rebonding is such a troublesome that i could not tie my hair for more than a week. and now, i have to shorten the time cos i need to go to sch. so i am ruining my hair. but people cant sympathise me. hais~ lowdown humans~

also, i think those people have seen girls rebond their hair for the first time. and you know what~ most KPOS are boys! yes! boys! worst right? girls may be talking behind me..but i dont care becos i did not hear anything and girls usually do this. but boys! oh my shit lars~ sucha disgrace. really lars~ they force me to criticise them..hahas! i am damn shiok with it!

then, they can ask the same fucking questions umpteen times~ i dont know why..either they dont understand english and chinese language..or they are aliens/freakos..may be deaf too...worst! humans who have smart brains with academically good but morally totally sucks like hell... true u know~

i wont lose to such people cos i hate them totally. as boys, they behave like girls who gossip...irritating when it's boys. irritating you know?

maybe they are freakos lars..that's why!

if u want me to list down names, i can too...
cos they are the ones who provoke me first..
fucking pests!

if u realise i tlak to u in a different way, u may be on the list...
i am gonna be straight forward..becos these people do not need my respect.

enough of it...
school was fine.
u know what?
for CME, i scored 50/50!!
wow~ full marks!
again, some people think i have no moral..but same as u..cos ur EQ is worst than mine. (:
secret to score CME is to answer the question truthfully.. really! i dont make silly stories...i answered them with my heart and what had happen to me...
im not like some fakers!
thankyou mrs wong for awarding me!
but that fishing cca tcher have not tell mr ho about my cca points..
by right i should get A1 cos i am a staff! wad the heck!
it's important to me kays~

off to study!

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