

by - Tuesday, August 12, 2008

i wanna thank all people for cheering me up today!
너무 감사햬요!

firstly, i got a B3 merit for chinese AGAIN! wtf~ like i had been studying very hard for it...stayed back so late almost everyday, doing work...stopped my other subs revision..put in 100% into chinese..even got sick too...this is what i get in the end! fuck man! damn angry with dont noe who! hahahas~ people who do not put in alot of effort can get better results than me! fishball! okays, i cried becos of my results...however, what's over is over. i am not gonna retake this fuking chinese anymore.. gonna replace it with poa or humanities. yups! SET! now, this fucking chinese sorta wasted my time where i can use that time to revise my other subjects! im not blaming anyone..just that i think hard work doesnt really pay off sometimes.. hais~ total disappointment.

secondly, got back chem results.. i failed but did well than physics.. lost several marks due to carelessness! hehs! but i am not including science in my B4.. so..yea~ i will still study.

next, also gotten back humanities. wth~ SS pulled down my overall grade to a C5. fishball right? i failed SS...cos ive got a question with 0! fish~ geog was well done for me.. i think lars.. 32/50. hahahas! gonna focus more on it then! jiayou!!

i am not gonna be blogging often again..cos 2 months left to olevel. i hope to earn whatever ive lost back during this time!

oh ya~ my poa was C6..BUTBUT! to some peepo~ it's my first time getting a C6! for olevel it's either A or B.. hahas~

i dont depend on tuition! i trust my ability!

TVXQ, Suju, BB, FT Island~ HWAITING!

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