

by - Friday, August 01, 2008

this is the fancam i saw at sapphirepearls.wordpress...

this is the fan account!

went to the airport yesterday too, although there wasn’t a lot of fans, but it was still rather chaotic imo. It’s like fans vs guard or like the China incident all over again, minus the crowd and extra-scariness. I was told someone pulled EunHyuk’s shirt (from the back i think?), and rumours are that SungMin’s shirt was pulled as well. HeeChul actually have to put his hands over EeTeuk as they walk over to the lift.
Though, SiWon, RyeoWook and KyuHyun manage to walk safely to the lift, the guard provided a very good barrier the second time round, lols.

I guess most people have given their share of their fan account. Mine’s no different on the contrary it’s not as good actually, except i gave HeeChul an alien greeting and got one in return (^^ )! 빵상!

credits to spatches @ soompi
more fan accounts can be seen and read at sapphirepearls.wordpress.

there are pics also..

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