

by - Sunday, August 31, 2008

i woke up super duper early today..like 3+am! oh gosh right? hahahas~
left house with family at 4+..took cab to terminal 3. waited for the rest of my family members to arrive. they checked in.. went to have a light breakfast before the 7 of them board in. bid goodbye to my parents. i can see mummy and daddy are worried about my sis and i. but we will be alright! we have to learn to live on our own now...rather than keep relying on mummy!
so uncle sent us home. and i went back to sleep. woke up 2 hours later...looked at the time. mummy and daddy are in the plane already... flying in the sky.. hahahas! i think they will reach Tokyo Narita Airport around noon. then they will have a 45min stop over... and then continue to San francisco. it will be a damn long journey. so i guess i will get to hear from them tomorrow! but i might not be at home cos i am going out! diaos! hahhas~

alright~ after i woke up, i vaccum the house except my sis'..cos that girl was still sleeping. hahahas! hard work kies? then, i do the laundry. following mummy's instructions. it's my first time in life doing all this. tiring~ but for my clean house~ i need to do..cos im the elderest!
only for one week...so i dont mind! hahahs~

i miss mummy somehow~ hahahas!
once i woke up, i always get to see her in the kitchen..but for this one week~ no her!
i will be strong~
i dreamt about my hubby and my family.
true~ i wont lied about this. so sweet!
i think becos my parents not around and have not been hearing from hubby! hahahas~
off now!
gonna study!

the rain drive me crazy~ hahahas!

동해 아~ 너무 사랑해!

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