

by - Monday, August 04, 2008


it's finally the end of prelims! hooray~
however, from tomorrow onwards..it's gonna be revision till the Os..so life is still hard to me..hahahs! butbut! i love studying now...i dont know why..cos it's better than doing nothing..and get ugly results in the end..hors?

so...friday, i went to watch Mummy with adeline, joanne and shiting.. good! go watch! funny and exciting! saturday, was basically rotting at home..and i damn not happy becos of boredom. #%$^% sunday...was thinking that i have to rot again..but joanne saved me..she sms me asking want to go shopping. i said okay.. so i met her, shiting, joanne's sister sophia and her jap. buddy.. megumi~ she's a cute girl.. we went shopping around bugis..megumi bought some things..hope she enjoyed~ i bought myself a wallet! will take a pic of it soon. i simply love my wallet now.. LOLS! it's not mickey anymore..but smileys! yep~ so cool kays?

i had my science practical today.. and physics was #%$#% i did it like less than 20 mins. wth right? 45 min each..and i finished my physics prac like less than half an hour. so say sayonara to my physics..besides that, i got my graph drawn wrongly. fishball lars~ chem, when i saw the apparatus..i know im dead. cos it's titration. i dont dislike doing titration..just that it's abit annoying. i spilled one of the solution on the chair without noticing it..until i see why the solution kept going down when it's not suppose to. then, i know i did not out the stopper. can kill me right? WTH~ i freaked out.. i quickly save the solution..hais! so 133pm is the ending time.. i finished titration at almost 1pm. then, there is cation and anion tests.. WTH~ fish me! but i managed to complete before time..however, the apparatus they gave have the things that test for carbon dioxide.. and also for using bunsen burner..but the whole room, like no one used it...i dont know. but i know i got almost everything wrong! fishball!

after that, i called joanne asking where are they. they were in class. so i went to find them.. we went kovan..joanne bought her strings..and we ate snow ice.. i find the service attitude sucks.. hahas! went home then....

okays~ enough of my crap. i think my hubby left malaysia already...and tmr onwards, i have to study everyday.
but still, i will check on my hubbies whenever i can..also, my hubby, junsu...is coming back! TVXQ comeback! excited nehs! after 2 years? or 1 year? they are back! TVXQ jjang!


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