
2010 ending...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010 / BY hseolahcc
Hello!4 more days to 2011. SO FAST! ohmygod!hahahha~2 weeks of holiday is ending. gonna be back to school next week. sian-ness~ETC just ended. It was a blast! I had fun! Remembered my first camp was ETC'09. Im so glad to be back for ETC'10. One year nehs! Celebrated my 1 year joining camps. LOLS!First time as FA too! FAs are cute! hahahhaa! i miss my proggers thou! hahha~AND!April gonna be my first year as proggers!...

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010 / BY hseolahcc
안녕하세용!!tmr is the first paper for my term test. kind of nervous again. same old feeling. hehehe!i think i did study hard this time. maybe i started a little late. but, nvm! thanks to people who helped me! love love! hahaha!time really passes fast! tmr first paper, then thur last paper. and holidays! but no rest for me! i have to complete projects and there are lots of events and eguides is just next week....

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Term Test

Wednesday, December 08, 2010 / BY hseolahcc
Hello!Time pass like a fast!now it's already mid-term of Semester 2. WOW!I am gonna be busy with school work and events. I am sorry to Shiting that I couldnt meet you up still. Hope i can during my 2 weeks of term break.Some time back, I was super upset with things going on around me.. but now i guess, im kind of get over it already. life still goes on right? as long as i...

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너를 사랑할게 my girl you you you my girl

Wednesday, November 17, 2010 / BY hseolahcc
안녕!!!!잘 지내 시죠??ㅎㅎㅎ~recently, i dont know why i am so happy? hahahha! hmm... keep smiling and laughing.last friday, went recce at marina barrage for nebo kidz day out 2!! first time flying kite! so excited!! ^^on the weekends, worked at Samsung Galaxy Tan launch! i didnt know G.Na will be performing until i reached the place. ㅋㅋㅋ Heard her rehearse then we went in to check out the place. like a cool only! 멋지다~the event...

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My Best Friend

Saturday, November 06, 2010 / BY hseolahcc
hello!gonna update before i turn in.second week of school was hectic. I went home super late and mummy became to worry for me. sigh... i printed my notes and now i can study! hehe~recently, i feel very sad. do you know there's one day after school, im left alone. left the lab myself, seeing no one wait for me outside. took the lift myself, walk on concourse myself. i almost cried. it's like you guys...

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너는 Shoot Shoot Shoot, 나는 훗 훗 훗

Friday, October 29, 2010 / BY hseolahcc
hello!!Im here to update my blog! ㅋㅋㅋso in love with my new pic! BEAST's concert pic! ㅎㅎㅎanyways, Year 2.2 has started. And the first week is gone like this. quite a busy for me. I dont understand why i feel so tired and it's only week 1! hahahaha! never mind! im okay! so dont worry, people!I miss my classmates especially the girls! omg! you know what? since first day of school, I have been laughing...

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지루한 토요일

Saturday, October 16, 2010 / BY hseolahcc
안녕!MTC had ended. I enjoyed myself alot than subcomm camp! hahaha!Program really is my life! thankyou! i feel all the loves. And sorry for my temper. i know i sometimes very fierce. i scolded you guys but i mean no harm. okay~ 미안~However, i fall sick right after that. really very sick. once i got home, after bathing, i fell asleep. and i slept for 16hours. ahh~ omg! hahaha! feeling very terrible. however, thanks for...

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busy like a bee!

Friday, October 08, 2010 / BY hseolahcc
Hello!!Holidays now!!!!!!!! but left 3 more weeks to a new semester!Results out! No supp... but GPA sucks. hahaha!Subcomm camp ended already.lately, have been quite down. people said i hasnt been smiling. but now! i am back!everything is fine now. i think friends have to be like that. im sorry for my bad attitude during subcomm camp.Throughout all these emo days, i have really caring friends around me. thankyou! you all know who you are! i...

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Friday, September 17, 2010 / BY hseolahcc
Helloooo~Decided to blog a little before meeting jasmine and nicholas.I think nicholas hasnt wake up.. so.. i would need to bomb his phone later. hahaha!anyways, exams ended. now holiday.have been going back to school almost everyday. decided not to go today cos i dont wanna tire myself.samsung dinner today.. dont feel hype at all. hehs~ cos later on some people gonna give their effing looks again. BUT! i shall ignore them... you stare... and im...

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Sunday, September 05, 2010 / BY hseolahcc
another week has passed.exams start on monday!have been busy studying everyday...worked for comex on thur-fri. soso~ was at main booth.i seriously hate main booth. so demoralising only. then pple start saying me like i cant sell, not chiong enough. fyi, I NEVER WANT TO WORK AT MAIN BOOTH AT ALL AND I DID SELL! I TRIED MY BEST TO SELL! fuckers~sat, i went sch to study. cos i went late and i only managed to...

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Saturday, August 28, 2010 / BY hseolahcc
not working this weekend and next weekend. have to get ready for my main exam.have no confidence to score well at all. sucks ttm!this week passes super fast.wasnt in good condition. in a veh depress state. till i wanna give up everything i am doing now.so now, i am still recovering.i am lucky to recover fast because i have veh good frens around me.thankyou people!people always expect to get as much as they can. but...

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Friday, August 20, 2010 / BY hseolahcc
hello!am here to update and go to bed next.yog break now. however, first 2 weeks i have been going back to sch till im a little sick of it.i feel like quitting my part time job and find a new one. still considering...you know i am actually not as cheerful that of u keep seeing me as. no one actually know what i am really thinking. since young, yes. i dont like pple to ask...

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Friday, July 30, 2010 / BY hseolahcc
Projects are really killing me and my classmates life.So if your teacher postponed ur deadline. it is not a good thing cos u have other submissions and u end up squeezing everything together. so u have to do many things at the same time.my dear frens, i know how ure feeling. but hang it there a little while more.have been looking positively lately... although i feel depressed sometime but still i am making myself to...

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bored ttm!

Monday, July 26, 2010 / BY hseolahcc
YES!Im bored ttm. so i shall blog. hehssss!I have no school on friday. cos pmi lab was cancelled and left with lectures. so i skipped lectures:) supposed to go out with my crazy girls but they went to watch movie and sushi buffet. however, i wanna shop. mummy is nice.. she shopped with me:D happy!well, went town... tried on some shoes. guess wad, i have skinny feet. so it look weird on me:((went to see...

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After so looong..

Wednesday, July 21, 2010 / BY hseolahcc
Hello!you aint seeing things. im back today to update this blog. hahaha!since i am at the library now doing nothing.school have been fun but real~~~ stress up.year 2 is not a nice year to be playing. for my course, we have projects for every module.deadlines are squeezed becos of yog. for exam, we have 2 more weeks of study break instead of 1 week. more or less, we have more time to study for our...

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Tuesday, May 04, 2010 / BY hseolahcc
HELLO! I know i know.. i havent been updating my blog.im so so so sorry! hhahaha!here some updates!Week 0 was super fun. everything came to an end. i really miss these few months with them.they have made my holidays worthwhile. LOVE!cheeseeeee!I AM PRO~LOVEEE~we aso had dinner at pastamania! we are so bonded with each other!yes. that's for now. will update more soon!some of you seriously may not understand how i feel when i told u...

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Tuesday, April 06, 2010 / BY hseolahcc
hello!back from mtc since last wed! had fun!i didnt regret joining program! becos the programmers are fun bunch of people ive ever met!some people asked "why i join such boring things?" well, it's not boring at all.ive made good use of my time going out to meet and work with people i dont noe. and now, we clique with each other.it's really quite disappointing when my frens came and tell me that im doing useless...

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Thursday, March 25, 2010 / BY hseolahcc
안녕!sorry for not updating...was thinking whether to make my twitter public but decided to stay private:)i will still blog!so my recent outings... are shown below!kbox with my girls after so long:) as crazy as ever! hahaha!programme first outing! well, they are funny and nice group of people!of cos... my holidays are spend with the programmers!we have meeting almost every mon, wed and fri! i dont mind actually.. cos i rather do something than rot at...

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010 / BY hseolahcc
안녕하세요!요즘 어떻게 지내세요?well, im fine...results are out. i did badly for this semester. super sad! gonna work extremely hard next sem. no more slacking. shall take my work seriously.come to think of it, im done with my year 1. yes, year 2 starting next month. so fast?!anw, ive been busy lately. mon, wed, fri are spend in school for program meeting. i get to know more pple! and they are turning fun! hahaha~ love this....

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Friday, February 26, 2010 / BY hseolahcc
hello!finally im having my holidays!yes. i have more time to rest and sleep. hahaha!ended my paper on wed. like yay! after which, caught Valentine's Day with classmates. woot! nice show! love it! after that, went home. watched Dream Team! LOLS! tmr is busy. whole day at tampines. wanna thanks yeechin for helping me to collect my demo phones from yiliang. and sorry to yiliang for making all the troubles. watched Autumn Concerto epi 19 and...

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exam period

Tuesday, February 23, 2010 / BY hseolahcc
hello!gonna post a short one cos im preparing to leave house to school soon.didnt really enjoyed my cny cos of freaking exams.today will be my second paper and it's a killer subject - econs. yes! god bless lots lots.im having neck ache and a severe headache cos of too much words and memorising.tmr will be the last paper. QM! i tink it's better i study at the airport? hahha!off now!bye! ...

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Saturday, February 13, 2010 / BY hseolahcc
hi!been ages ive blog at this hour.hahaha!studied at airport with aneza, tinghuan, tequan and yeechin. at least i tried on some math questions. gonna complete all the revision papers asap. so that i can shoot tutor during consultation. watched Queen Seonduk. nice drama!gonna sleep now! cos i need to wake up damn early. hate exam period cos i have little sleep. in addition, it's cny. worse! cant understand tp! hahaha!off now! ...

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Tuesday, February 09, 2010 / BY hseolahcc
hello!im slacking so im here to post.so this week school will be a little slack..a week more to exams and im not prepared.. ahaha! cny gonna be busy with visits. ohya, mrs wong texted me about cny visit to her house with 502'08. miss my ex-classmates. also, inviting my current classmates to my house:) den follow to ck's house. samsung also having dinner on the 19th. hahah! yes.. see! i have no time to study.anyway,...

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decent updates.

Monday, February 08, 2010 / BY hseolahcc
hello!will be heading off to bed after this... cos my eyes are closing.finally, all projects are over.. but now left with comprog submission. seriously, that's a bore. cos that tutor is seriously naggy. we could have handed in earlier and not going for lesson anymore. but he insisted us to go. wth! ridiculous!ended my last presentation last thur which was economics. well, i know i was really bad temper that few days... maybe becos of...

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birthday with PROMOTERS!

Monday, February 08, 2010 / BY hseolahcc
celebrated at Powerhouse!had fun with them.. thankyou for celebrating with me!!and also for the present:)with the mansss! ahahha!with the girlsssss! the end of birthday posts... hahaha! like finally i update.haha! was super busy lars. thankyou for all the wishes from you people!much loves. hahaha!very thank you to chunkiat's mummy who helped me going through guest list... and ali for helping:)im 20! omg! hahaha! ...

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birthday with CLASSMATES!

Monday, February 08, 2010 / BY hseolahcc
i celebrated with my classmates on the 29th jan.firstly, was dinner with faviia, chunkiat and caleb at PS.then, we met up with the rest and drink at forgotten the pub's name.before that, they surprised me with a cake:)thankyou lovely classmates:Dnext up, with the promoters:) ...

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birthday with GIRLS!

Sunday, February 07, 2010 / BY hseolahcc
i celebrated my birthday the day itself with my favourite girls at marina sq!and im super closed with shinee because their hotel was near there.hahaha!piccaas!my forever girls!gekhan:)claris:)josette:)weiting:)joanne:)my pressies from them!adeline:)thankyou girls! and not forgetting shiting and charmaine! ...

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eat club have fun!

Friday, January 29, 2010 / BY hseolahcc
hihihi!it's been long since i last blogged! hahah!im late already yet i still wanna blog a little.today im gonna celebrate my birthday in advance. LOLS! tmr will be my 20th birthday!how fast hors?!!- gonna meet classmates for dinner later:)- den meet mostly of the promoters at powerhouse:) although i am seriously upset about the amount of pple that will be attending. but who cares? i did my best to plan. i hate planning at the...

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Sunday, January 17, 2010 / BY hseolahcc
HIHI!gonna slp after this..cos i have to wake up early for lesson.system concept tutor marked me late on tue when i was fucking earlier than him. fish him!hahaha!anyways, open house ended 1 week ago. i wanted to blog about it but i have no time. due dates for project reports are coming.. everyday projs till i have no time. this week will be test week. ya~ mostly everyday test. omg!i haven study. shit!i have no...

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