

by - Tuesday, April 06, 2010

back from mtc since last wed! had fun!
i didnt regret joining program! becos the programmers are fun bunch of people ive ever met!

some people asked "why i join such boring things?" well, it's not boring at all.
ive made good use of my time going out to meet and work with people i dont noe. and now, we clique with each other.
it's really quite disappointing when my frens came and tell me that im doing useless stuffs.
however, whenever i see the programmers, unhappy comments are gone. cos they are there for me. for once, i really hated those frens who said i join useless camp.
besides my work as samsung promoter, i making my poly life even better than many of yours.
for this, i noe how people are like. they like to say others and make themselves seem perfect when they are the worse!
hah~ continue saying i do useless stuffs then. if u realise, i am actually leaving that grp... cos i realise they have different mindset as me.. totally different. i rather stick with my polymates. cos they noe how to have fun. you guys are the ones that are wasting time doing useless things.

anyways, i enjoyed the way is it now.
thankyou programmers!
seeyou guys on week zero!

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