

by - Friday, February 26, 2010


finally im having my holidays!
yes. i have more time to rest and sleep. hahaha!

ended my paper on wed. like yay! after which, caught Valentine's Day with classmates. woot! nice show! love it! after that, went home. watched Dream Team! LOLS!

tmr is busy. whole day at tampines. wanna thanks yeechin for helping me to collect my demo phones from yiliang. and sorry to yiliang for making all the troubles.
watched Autumn Concerto epi 19 and 20. yes.. ive stopped becos of exams. haha! epi 21 is the last epi. i heard pple commenting saying muchen will die. omg!! i must watch!
tmr will be having steamboat at ck's house. yay! i veh long never have steamboat lers! LIKE!

fyi, BEG is in singapore. Shinee is coming. Jang Geun Suk too. U-kiss also. MY HUBBY Junsu coming soon too. omg! donghae, when u coming? wooyoung, when are u coming again. im so sorry i wasnt a hottest 2 years back, so i didnt notice you. pls come back. hehehe!
im crazy. but hubbies love it!

bye for now!

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