

by - Tuesday, March 16, 2010


요즘 어떻게 지내세요?

well, im fine...
results are out. i did badly for this semester. super sad! gonna work extremely hard next sem. no more slacking. shall take my work seriously.
come to think of it, im done with my year 1. yes, year 2 starting next month. so fast?!

anw, ive been busy lately. mon, wed, fri are spend in school for program meeting. i get to know more pple! and they are turning fun! hahaha~ love this. you know whenever i have meeting, i enjoyed. although sometimes the planning of games just make us bored and tired. but becos some of us keep entertain each other with funny things, u will feel not bad. like recently, i was emotional. moodswings everytime. but today, when i went back for meeting and see them again. they just make all my unhappy thoughts disappear. thankyou pple!

from 11-14 march, i was working at IT Show 2010. partnered with KC for 4 days, Yiliang on Sat and Fabius on Sun. Thankyou boys! hope i will still be working for the next show and meet all the promoters once again:)

alright.. gonna sleep soon
cos im meeting my girls.. like finally! sorry for not turning up the past outings cos the dates werent free for me. loves!

2 more weeks and i will have my first camp in TP! im so excited about it! hahaha!
i hope they enjoy the camp and everything goes well! i love program!
we even create a grp on FB! so happening? haha!
glenn even wan us mehmeh finish out prep and have outing. let's all lend our round hands!

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