
by - Sunday, September 05, 2010

another week has passed.

exams start on monday!

have been busy studying everyday...
worked for comex on thur-fri. soso~ was at main booth.
i seriously hate main booth. so demoralising only. then pple start saying me like i cant sell, not chiong enough. fyi, I NEVER WANT TO WORK AT MAIN BOOTH AT ALL AND I DID SELL! I TRIED MY BEST TO SELL! fuckers~

sat, i went sch to study. cos i went late and i only managed to study a little. then off to meet elain and the rest.
visited everyone at comex. weekends got more promoters i know working. so naise!
dinner at pastamania.. den meet the promoters for taohuey~ so many people!
hahhaa! felix gege sent us home~ cindy ah~ sorrweee!!

gonna turn in soon cos my eyes are half closed.
but let me rent a little.

firstly, i tink people shld get their facts right. so what my cousin is working at samsung hub. so what her bf is our team leader. so what? like wtf? my boss is still all of your boss. i dont get favours. i gone through the newbie path.. worked at wulu places. i dont usually request deployments. i dont usually work at roadshows. i fucking stuck at some place for 2 months. i endured every comments i heard.
like stop fucking give me eyes that i have my cousin!
fyfi~ during off work, i never talk to my cousin about work. even if she or her bf asked, i never say anything. so some of you can fucking sht ur irritating mouths.
like fuck, im only working as a part timer to get some income like all of you. i dont fucking need to go through all this.
if you dislike my cousin or her bf, thats your own fucking chao chee bye business. not mine~
if u hate me becos i am a family member of her, then u should fucking go bang the wall. haveing some low EQ, i think u can stuck at this freaking job forever.
to tell you, i never want to go work at samsung hub. i have my own ambitions.
samsung hub in future? no way!
im gonna quit if i can get a same salary weekend job... or quit once i graduate from poly.

okay.. at least i feel ok now!
some pple seriously need to use their pig brain to think.
part timer only why create so many politics. if you like politics so much then go into a government sector lars.

my depression become worse becos all of this.

then there is this guy.. seriously shld get a life. being so petty!
sucha disappointment!

i began to hate samsung!


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