
2010 ending...

by - Tuesday, December 28, 2010


4 more days to 2011. SO FAST! ohmygod!

2 weeks of holiday is ending. gonna be back to school next week. sian-ness~
ETC just ended. It was a blast! I had fun! Remembered my first camp was ETC'09. Im so glad to be back for ETC'10. One year nehs! Celebrated my 1 year joining camps. LOLS!
First time as FA too! FAs are cute! hahahhaa! i miss my proggers thou! hahha~

April gonna be my first year as proggers! Like a fast only! During this one year, ive build a strong friendship with most of them! They have become part of my life~~ lovelove~ hehehhe!

2nd part of Sem 2 is starting next monday. and it will be a super busy one! no time for leisure~ many projects are up for submissions, main exams and school events/meetings. my whole january no need work already! i will be a poor octopus for FEB~ thank god! it's CNY on feb so i get a little monehs! hahahha!

Also, lately, i am trying to improve my korean. hahahha! Worked in singtel and ive served 2 groups of koreans. so happy! hope to meet koreans more and i can communicate with them! hehehehe!

I feel so bad for the girls! Once again, i apologise not meeting u pple~ i wanted to but i just dont have the time. I am sorry for not meeting on xmas for celebration cos i have to work and sorry for not going tmr cos i have meeting in sch~ hope we can meet on thur for dinner~ ^^

I hope i have time to write new year resolution~ hahahaha!
i dont feel like working this weekend. but that's the only weekend in January that i can work. HOW? or i work saturday only? haiyooo~ but work 2 days at least more monehs! LOLS!
아이~ 진짜 몰아!

now, im gonna do abit of project and watch drama! hehehehe!
또 보자!

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