
My Best Friend

by - Saturday, November 06, 2010


gonna update before i turn in.

second week of school was hectic. I went home super late and mummy became to worry for me. sigh...
i printed my notes and now i can study! hehe~

recently, i feel very sad. do you know there's one day after school, im left alone. left the lab myself, seeing no one wait for me outside. took the lift myself, walk on concourse myself. i almost cried. it's like you guys see me with lots of friends but actually i dont feel it. down inside im a loner. they thought i will have people with me but.... actually i am walking alone. i never tell my mummy cos i want her to know i can handle everything by myself.
my used to be close friends are all gone. they dont tell me anything anymore. i dont know anything. this is what are friends for?

for eguides, i am in FA. now i wonder, did i make the right decision. once used to be a team that makes me really laugh from my heart, now it's gone. i become like a stranger.

now to my friends, it seems that i am not significant anymore. whether i am happy, sad or angry, they dont seem to care anymore. maybe i have lose them. i ask myself alot of times, should i go back during april? shld i join april? will i ever find the initial feeling again? i dont know. i lose alot of friends and im like left with nobody. becos i spend alot of time in sch, i thought i have people beside me, but end up, i have none. becos i am busy in sch, i couldnt meet up with shiting when she is back in singapore. i feel very bad. also, becos i am busy in sch, i cant meet my crazy colleagues. i lose all these people. yet now, i lose my most important people. what should i do?

to me, as a friend, i dont think i have done anything wrong to you guys. i dont know why i have to deserve such treatment. when i feel you guys are feeling unhappy, i did concern. even if you guys reply me a 'im okay', i am okay with it. cos during that time, at least i feel i am still one of u guys. but now, i dont even dare to ask becos u guys just walk off in front of me.

i really wanna cry out becos i have put it in my heart for a very long time. everytime, i pretend to be alright. people see me to be in anger most of the time. but my face is like that, when i dont smile i look angry. i am tired of explaining this. why cant u guys understand? perhaps humans are like that.

how to tell u guys how i feel when what your actions doesnt seem to care. end up, i am talking to myself. why always put it in a way, it's my fault? i am not born to swallow blames. if i know i did something wrong, i will always apologise. but there are times, i dont think i have done anything wrong yet people make it like i am in the wrong. dont you think it's very unfair?


shall end with SNSD's My Best Friend. the lyrics are well written. read it my friends~

Even after a small fight yesterday
Today we're laughing and hugging
Putting our arms around each other
Our promise to each other
You are my best friend

Even in just a common worry
Don't tolerate being alone for nothing
Tell me
Promise one more time OH~

When you laugh, I'm also happy
When you're sad
My eyes are also wet

*The only one in this world, my friend
My joy, my soul
I'm going to protect those precious things
I'll forever vow to heaven
I love you, friend

I'm going to give you strength
I'm your best friend for life
Good movies, good songs
If I find a good person,
I'll definitely let you know
Our promise together NO NO NO

Without sparing any expense
We'll buy tasty things for each other
A promise in between our fingers YEAH YEAH~

When you're not around, it's too cold
When you're sick
I can't sleep and I worry


**My life's gift, my friend
My jewel, my miracle
I'm going to protect these things I'm thankful for
Vowing to heaven once again
I love you, friend

Holding hands together
If there's one thing I believe in,
It's that I won't be afraid no matter what
Friendly words are a bit awkward, but
For us,
It's like talking was made for us
My friend


Making a pretty nickname
Joking around
Sometimes changing into each other's cool clothes
The first one on your speed dial
Is my number
And best friends
Are surely for life

You're my friend forever
My one and only friend
You're my friend forever
My one and only friend

어제 작은 다툼에도
오늘 웃고 안아주고
자 서로 약속
You are my best friend

그저 흔한 고민에도
괜히 혼자 참지 말고
한번만 더 약속 OH~

난 네가 웃을 때면 나도 행복해
난 네가 슬플 때면
내 두 눈도 젖는 걸

이 세상 하나뿐인 my friend
나의 기쁨 나의 영혼
그런 소중함을 지켜갈게
하늘에 영원히 맹세해
사랑해 친구야

언제나 내가
힘이 되어 줄꺼야
평생토록 너만의 단짝
좋은 영화 좋은 노래
좋은 사람 찾으면 꼭
우리 함께 약속 NO NO NO

아까워하지 말고
맛있는 것 서로 사주기
손가락을 걸고 약속 YEAH YEAH~

난 네가 없을 때면 너무 쓸쓸해
난 네가 아플 때면
잠 못 들고 걱정해

이 세상 하나뿐인 my friend
나의 기쁨 나의 영혼
그런 소중함을 지켜갈게
하늘에 영원히 맹세해
사랑해 친구야

내 삶의 선물이야 my friend
나의 보석 나의 기적
그런 감사함을 지켜갈게
하늘에 또 한번 맹세해
사랑해 친구야

함께 손잡고
믿음 하나면
어떤 일이든 난
두렵지 않은걸
우정이란 말
우리를 위해서
만들어낸 얘기같아~
my friend

이 세상 하나뿐인 my friend
나의 기쁨
나의 영혼
그런 소중함을 지켜갈게
하늘에 영원히 맹세해
사랑해 친구야

내 삶의 선물이야 my friend
나의 보석 나의 기적
그런 감사함을 지켜갈게
하늘에 또 한번 맹세해
사랑해 친구야

예쁜 별명 짓고
멋진 옷 서로 가끔
바꿔 입고
단축번호 1번
내 번호로
그리고 단짝은
꼭 평생토록

넌 영원한 나의 친구
단 하나뿐인 내 친구
넌 영원한 나의 친구
단 하나뿐인 내 친구

credit: soompi

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