

by - Friday, May 02, 2008

as you can see, i have changed my blogskin!

feel like changing again. hahas~
when i have time bahs...

today school was okay.. damn boring~ LOLS!
physics, did tys... PE, ran 2.4... timing very bad..got a C. but im not gonna re-take. i dont know.. just dont feel like running again. hehs! EM, p1 test. it sucks totally! but im glad that i can solved one question..dat quite a number of people have problem with. disturbed chaywei during recess while she was playing games. LOLS! EL, presented our project. ohya~ ms mazna talked to us about genocide.. ohmy, after seeing and knowing that, i find myself 100 times fortunate. really~
went home after school...

tomorrow staying at home to study! yes! i will~ hmm, anyone wanna study can find me! ahahas~

off now.. i will post pics tomorrow!
oh ya~ finally put up a blog song. from Davich's Sad Promise!
nice song!

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