

by - Saturday, May 17, 2008

good afternoon peepo!

went for chinese today. mr tang went through 2 topics.. went home after lesson.
hehs! sorry ars~ so short!

i was damn freaking pissed off with someone. just one more time, and u will see a real demon on earth!

i ACT? give evidence lars! fucking bastard.. stop being like a downright bastard can? fuck off can? bloody bastard!
if u bloody hate my actions, then stop talking to me or stop being friend with me. you think your actions are cool? come on lars~ firstly, you dont have good looking face..yet a fishing bullshit face..and acting like you are well spoken. OMG man! to me, i feel like puking. no wonder i cant recover from my sick. do you know u are like a leech that is so irritating? let me just warn you one more time! stop provoking me! or else, you will know ME! fucking irritating fishball!

to people outside there~ imma kind can be friend with anyone whom i know. however, if u dont like me..thinking dat my actions suck..or my style is weird and u cant accept it.. then fuck off! get lost! i dont need you and you dont need me!
simple and easy! get it?

want me to be nasty? i can if i want to!

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