

by - Wednesday, May 14, 2008


absent from school. hehs! decided to rest at home! im still sick! ya~ damn irritating!
went to see chinese doctor yesterday... damn diff from polyclinic.. hahas! the medicine damn bitter! YUCK! hahas~ actually wanna see doctor today...however, mummy was damn worry about me..cos i cough like i wanna die soon. ya~ very terrible! doctor said i must not drink cold drinks..so no more cold drinks from now. then, cannot eat tidbits and chilli! so, my food now are so bland...yucks! wad to blame! becos of my weak lungs! nvm! let's endure... becos if im still not okay, i think i need to go hospital lers... so people, please stop me from consuming all the above things. hahahas!

gonna revise chinese later on.. since i miss sch today, i need to be more hardworking! rahh~

god bless to those who are still suffering in the earthquake!

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