

by - Monday, May 05, 2008


school today was fine..except i was damn sleepy. was having headache after lunch. hahhas! MT, mr tang was angry... and from tomorrow...we will have extra lessons on tue, wed, fri and sat. so my time will be pack with chinese. let's get over chinese and i will be free! hahahas!! EG, revision on tourism.. i wanna score well for humans! EL, watched hotel rwanda. so sad lars~ seeing the genocide took place.. bodies lying everywhere.. aiyoo~ hahas!! lunch, went out to eat. we were late for EM. i went in class trying to act as if i dont know a thing. LOLS!! did some questions and i fell asleep. really! hahahas~ once i was awake, it's time to go home. went home straight after school.

now! wad the hell!! im having eyes infection again! yes! wth~ i could not blink my eyes... damn painful.. guess i have to wear specs to sch tomorrow..if my eye has not recover. hahahas!


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