

by - Tuesday, May 06, 2008


after a long day, im back!
from ytd till today, i have no mood to study. the 'nice' weather totally ruin everything. i have headache since sunday. WTH~ now, my eye got infection. darn~ MT, ms tee is back.. she taught us how to answer compre.. POA, did incomplete record.. Chem, did bonding revision. have many questions to do! rahh~ i shall do it in the weekends. em, boring! i was in bad mood cos i cant solved the questions.. physics, went to the lab. thanks to joanne and shiting for guiding me! hehs! lunch, ate in school with weiting whereas the rest went out. LOLS! weiting got shocked by leon.. i know it's bad to laugh but it was hilarious. LOLS! weiting, dont blame me hors! hahas~ went back to class..and the air-con is blowing hot air.. diaos! sauna! did some thing entertaining with the girls! WATER SCREEN! i could not bear to do it on shiting.. hahahas! maybe i will try on pig. LOLS!! oops! EL, continued on hotel rwanda.. ohmy~ there was a part damn saddening.. i admit i almost teared. hahahas! after sch, went for chinese extra lesson. ya~ was having bad headache... home then!

happened to read joanne's blog.. and i saw funny pics! hahahas~ when did u took the pattern pic? hahahas!

gonna study for geog test!

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