
새로운 생활!

by - Wednesday, May 28, 2008

당신은 저를 생각했는가?

shopping trip was cancelled today! :( but nevermind, we will go some other day before school resumes right? hahhas~

new skin! nice mahs? i like it alot! spend quite alot of time doing this skin! 나좋아!
hees~ anyhow, peepo! please cick on the nuffnang ads kies? 도와주세요~

무슨일 입요?

Gummy stopped all her activities becos of Laryngitis! she was tired because of busy schedule! take care unnie!

Wonder Girls will make their comeback this Sat! finally! however, yoobin will be lip sync during the performance because she was vocal cord lesions and spasmodic dysphonia. OMG! so sad~ i hope she get well soon! YOOBIN~ HWAITING!

omg! i think yoobin is depressed bah! however, she will get well! if my throat were to get injured, i will cry! because i like singing too! IT'S MY LIFE~

school tomorrow! SIAN!
singing with family on sat! cant wait!
i want to SING!

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