

by - Sunday, May 04, 2008


asked mummy to gove my sister $20.. ya! u may think im stingy, as a sister, i only give $20..hey! but im still a student okay! currently, im in need of money to pay all my tys! hahahas~

uncle came to fetch us to pekpek dere for breakfast. ya~ have not meet my family members for quite some time. i told dajie and erjie about the interview of jacky chan and jet li..that i saw on KBS. hahahs~ jacky chan was damn funny lars! he like rice.. and he told the reporter 'ji geum bi-sa da.' lols! it means now, it's (rice) expensive. hahahas! cute right! okays..i was feeling like vomiting so i did not finish my bowl of noodle. went to buy 4D..hahahas! quite lost...cos my first time buying. mummy and sister were laughing at me..LOLS!

told dajie i wanna go taiwan for holiday. and she asked when? i said maybe 2009 january. cos air ticket will be cheaper abit.. LOLS! and i can work during my holidays to save for the trip. erjie and aunt too wanna go.. so!! i must save hard now! i wanna go holiday again! hees~

i heard uncle dave is going europe for holiday. ohmy~ i wanna work hard and be like him! LOLS!

off now...

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