
by - Sunday, May 18, 2008

502!! class blog updated! pls read!

every where i read are people talking about Sichuan's earthquake.
To all fellow XMS students, pls donate to both Myanmar and China disasters kays?

i remembered turning on to taiwan news on the 12th.. then, it was talking about earthquake happening in Sichuan. I was like...just came back from school. then days after that, i kept watching the news. my heart just bleed lars... i cried when watching it..mothers begging rescue team to continue searching for survivors. there was one scene, a girl was being rescue and it was her 20th bdae.. the rescue team all sang bdae song for her. and her bdae wish was getting a new life. one child beg the doctor to at least keep one hand for her so that she could study. hais~

let's help everyone!

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