

by - Thursday, May 15, 2008

im back to school after a day of resting at home. school wasnt that bad...except becos i cough alot and it irritates me! hahas~

mrs wong was on MC today.. heard that she totally lost her voice..so mrs wong!! take care ya? 4E5N did not have our kickboxing today becos teachers were telling us about the DSA and DPA. SS, relief teacher came in..cos like what ive said..mrs wong was absent. EL, ohmy..i forgot what we did. hahas~ getting bad memory these few days.. aishh! EM, did abit of sums...and read a book which i saw on reginald's table. yep! recess, ate burger...went to see mdm liew...chinese was at ava..ms tee was kinda told us off..becos yesterday's extra lesson only 26 people attended. i was one of them..but i have reason! hahas~ people~ please learn how to appreciate! nobody is born to please you! physics, did practical. okay~ drawing graphs always piss me! hahas~ after school, i stayed back and ive completed one letter writing. gonna do compo tomorrow!

saw june's extra lessons schedule..quite okay lars! next tue is my EL prelim oral.. ohmy! nervous. next week will be the last week of chiong-ing chinese.. jiayou!

i was quite pissed alot of time today. ya! damn irritated!
okay! im gonna sound everything out here! i love KPOP whole-heartedly! i love music...and KPOP comes first.. there's nothing wrong with it! i love learning the language too..and i know a little of it..so i did not act. you must be wondering why am i so uptight about it?! becos i hate people who do not accept pther people interest. besides speaking both eng and chinese, i can speak a little of korean..i am proud of myself.. but can you? no right? so i am not acting. if i act means i know nothing of that culture or language. however, i know them! and they are my life!
another issue..i may look mature but i am proud on my looks. what's wrong being mature? better than staying so childish and you have problem wearing clothes right? i like my style.. cos i love following trends.. i may look weird in style..but to me, i wear what fits and look nice in me.. so i happy with it!

okay..enough of ranting.
i think i have been too nice to people around me. maybe it's time for me to turn nasty!
there's this chinese phrase saying 老虎不发挥,你当我是病猫。not sure about the correct spelling..but i mean this.

you know what i hate? people who thinks that they are the perfect ones..however, they are actually the worst one! stop being a yaya papaya!

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