
by - Tuesday, January 23, 2007

oh~ jus gave up doin my math. i don really understands it. blehs~ and i am feeling veh sleepy tday. hais~

english, i dn enjoyed it tday. cos sth happened and i felt angry.. i was being accused. rahh~ shant talk abt it. as a tcher, dn she tinks dat she owe saraha nd i an apology? we did nth wrong..and she was abit sarcastic. mt, wrote compo. math, get back test paper. i did well.. dats gud fer me~ recess..was really veh sry towards audrey and rongyi. ss, din really pay attention. rushing on my essay..overall, multi-task. hahahs~ assembly, went hall with huishin and nicole. talked abit abt rain. ya~rain!! poa, touched on new topic. after dat, went library with sarah to complete our essay. pooty and wenyi waited fer us. den saw miaoxian, felicia, lixin and jolene. joined dem fer lunch. but ended up onli me and miaoxian ate. the rest had popiah. went back sch to look fer GFs. same! do funny stuff..

To byebye:
hmm... ive replied u abit.. but dere's more!! hahahas~
wow~ isnt it amazin dat those pics could wake the dead up..and oso kill the living?? i tink i must thnk u fer dat!! so do my GFs~ hees!! i tink so far onli u came and said ur eyes hurt when seeing this.. hmm~ i tink dere are still many infront of u had seen it. hmm..if u tink ur eyes have problems..den i advise u to consult a doctor b4 it gets real serious. okay? and byebye~ this is my blog althou i accept comment like urs but i wont remove anything dat was posted up alr~ so... and even in the future dere wil be more of these pics.. if u wan to prevent ur eyes from gettin hurt..dn cum here again.. of cos u can cum..but if dere infection on ur eyes..dats ur prob.. dats all i can say..hmm~ u really gave gud comments. really thankew!! =D

hahahas~ to my readers out dere too.. if those pics hurt ur eyes..better go see a doctor.. and it's none of my business.. sry fer dat byebye!! wad a nice name!!! byebye!! why not c...bye~ wahahah!!! oops!


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