
study date:)

by - Sunday, May 31, 2009

it's 0000 now!
ought to sleep cos there's paper in the morning:)

ive cut my hair:) kinda dislike the fringe now!
hahaha~ nvm lars!
after cut hair, went to meet adeline, joanne and weiting!
studied with dem at burger king! the place we studied for olevel too! hahaha!
crap abit...as usual lars.
went kfc for dinner! wth~
fri lunch kfc, dinner mac. today kfc agn! shit! grow fat lers!! hahaha!
bbq on thur! oh dear~ LOLS!
after dinner, adeline left. we went starbucks. saw felicia, miaoxian and sherman. so we took over their seats. LOLS! sherman joined us till 6:30pm. long time no see dem lehs! hahah!
continued studying till 9pm:) i did maths and maths!
gonna say die to vectors and functions. for business fund, i dont even noe what im studying lohs! wth~ angry!

now, my stomach is giving me problem! haha!
i hope it gets well later...

anyways! good news!!!!
FT Island is coming to Singapore!!!!!!
$100 for the ticket. mummy gave me a BIG NO:(
any sponsor? hahaha!
i think i will have to go airport only!
i wanna see hongki and jaejin! my 2 dongsaeng!
noona misses u 2 lehs! hahaha~

off now!

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