

by - Thursday, May 21, 2009


school today was fun!!!! hahaha~ better than ytd.
but going sch today was OMG!
27 was okay..but 23..ohno lors! squeeze like pancake!! wth~ haha!
was late abit...but still alright lars.
gotten back emaths quiz. SHIT! i copied the question wrongly, therefore causing me to lose marks!!!!!!!!!!! ANGRY!
engfund lecture...was kinda pissed with pple behind me..LOLS! trying to get attention. i dont understand why dat fishing pencil can fly? hahaha~ pls lors... am not interested in you. kindly shut up during lectures! dont get too HIGH!
break time den. had carona!!!! quite nice lars...haha! went to look for cousin cos it's his grad ceremony today:) took pics with them. however, the atmosphere abit weird. ytd was better..LOLS! congrats to frens who finally graduate:)

back to busfund.
finally gonna rush everything before term break, i hope. i know my group can do it:D
mr lee is nice... saw weiting at the lab beside me. LOLS! her fren played with me... so fun! but i didnt continue becos i laughed too loud and teacher look at me..so i ran back to my place! LOLS! paiseh lehs!
effcom was the last lesson of the day!! had listening quiz. i hope i get good grades:D
gotten back previous quiz! 12/15. hahah~

after school, went office to return demo!
den back to cp. waited for verlynn and jumie. proceeded to IKEA for dinner. cousin, chun and wende join us dere. the Almond Cake super NICE!!!! wth!!!!!! LOLS!
walked around, went GIANT. i tink i laughed too much. wtf! haha~
home then:)

term test timetable is out!
3 days.. i thought the whole week lohs! noob! hahaa~
in the end 3 days only! gonna start studying now. lucky those quizzes prepared me! so far i pass everything:)
busfund test is like 330-430 lars...hahaha!

there's class outing tmr...not sure joining anot cos i wanna do more circuits and familarise it:) so guai right?
den movie in the evening:)

gonna do some revision of maths now!!!
omg! going 12!

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