

by - Monday, May 04, 2009

sch today was abnormal!!
went to sch with weiting as usual.
alighted at the bus-stop we usually always alight...but today was like nobody at the bus-stop.
went sch and it's like not many people...
okay...den off to lessons.

seriously hate eng drawing. like wtf lohs! LOLS!
but today's lesson was alright. cos i managed to get things right..hehs! hope it gets better lars..cos test coming soon? haha~
emath lecture is the same...got confused a little...but now on the right track. LOLS! quiz next week. and i hope i will pass! hahaha!
busfund lec cancelled!

went to look for cousin and nic. handed in my assignment...and headed to mensa for kuai chap.
den to bookshop for thumbdrive. dat nic~ -.-" ok...dont wanna elaborate. LOLS!
went tamp 1 to change angela yap's tee...den walked around.
movie at e-hub. friday the 13th... i think it's my first m18 show! LOLS! dont say i noob hors! cos my girls not all of dem are 18 yet!
super disgusting lohs! the killer is really super duper saddist.
i dont wanna say so much about it.. cos i was trembling when watching. LOLS! feel like vomiting after the show. LOLS! but if u have a strong heart and like horror movie, can watch! although the ending abit.....wah lau! haha!

ok... i have to go do work liaos!
i wan sleep lars! wtf! stupid projects and assignments!

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