
MC for 2 days

by - Wednesday, May 06, 2009


i didnt go sch today not becos i wanna skip..cos i am resting at home!
went to see doctor...and i need to wear mask. LOLS! in fact, if u are sick, u need to wear mask... so everybody at level 2 wear mask. hahaha~ so fun lars!
i didnt noe i was given 2 days MC until my mummy look at it. haha!
i think due to swine flu that's why doctor issue 2 days MC.
lunch at cp.
ate medicine. rest abit...but couldnt sleep. float like ghost..haha!

chiong on wrtoral.
wtf! at first, i have lots of ideas...but im sick and the ideas went missing. hahah!
anyways, after searching of sources, managed to find what i want...
so research journal almost complete...left with speech and throw everything into slides!
wanna put a vid but it's 2mins....so 1 source lost. LOLS!

continue tmr...

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