
by - Thursday, May 07, 2009

stayed at home...
did not join frens for prawning. LOLS!
cos i woke up feeling giddy..

i sweat like i just bathed. wth! therefore, i switch on my air-con. hehs!
did my research journal. and ive completed it! hees! good, xue'e! must be disciplined!
many quizzes next week. i am worry! worry for myself whether i will do good not.
everything seems to pass so quickly...tests are coming and im not prepared. seriously, i dont even noe wad the lecturers and tutors are talking about..now, i see the schedule, realising i have tests next week. just next week.
group project havent do...but i have great teammates. thankyou!
i have nice classmates too!
having heard bad stories about pple in polys, i hope my classmates or rather my poly frens will be nice...cos i really like my class now. cos they help each another...however, i want it to last forever.

wth~ i think im thinking too much. hehs!
i tink ive meet nice people! i must believe myself!

will be back to sch tmr...
ive miss out alot alot during 2 days of MC.
i need to catch up with lessons.
i missed my effcom test:(
have to make up for it!

gonna brainstorm on my group project!
group mates!!! i will tell u wad u gonna do by weekend!

2NE1's out with FIRE!
i joined their forum!

changing my blogskin soon.
blog song too!

recently, there's mysterious pple on my tag board.
it can be quite bothersome. hehs!
난 싫어!


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