some pics before i start.....
during busfund!

Hi chun chun!!
my lovely classmates! im like laughing everyday. LOLS!
school today was fine...i guess?
wrtoral was just half of my class presenting..and my turn will be next week! so nervous lars.. not done with my presentation!! OMG~~!!
engfund tutorial...i think i was busy talking? but i listened abit here and there. LOLS! bought 'TASTY' to lecture.. LOLS! hungry kay?! maths lecture...soso lors. dat lecturer is too fast to catch up. whatever lohs! i shall pay attention during tutorial:D
engfund tutorial...TEST!!! well, i gave up doing one question worth of 2 marks. i have the same answer with frens who did the same paper as me. now, maybe a minor pass? i hope:)
oh, dat 2 marks question is a waste. cos my poor memory causes me to forget. WTF! hahaha~
home after sch...sucha good girl..yea?
am lack of ideas for my presentation!! wth~ $^**(@#
i wanna get it done asap so dat i dont have to worry!!!!!!!
business fund project not even touch yet. DOOM! hahah~
thanks faviia for the survey, u may start going round doing survey liaos:)
gonna go back to my books..and powerpoint!!!!
no life!