
by - Sunday, May 03, 2009


went to meet weiting and joanne at tampines in the noon. bought 2 tops from mango...that's all! hahaha! wanna buy a polo tee at uniqlo but the colors i want doesnt have my size. wth! so i just buy my sis's present. at least i bought something for her lors...dat gal still owe me a present. $^*^%@ hahaha~ went home after that.
rest awhile...and did research for my wrtoral project.
daddy bought dinner back for me...watched man utd match while eating.
out for supper with supper gang:) ate pizza. wth! i think im fat. lucky, im sick...haha! so i think im gonna slim down again! good!

going back to my sch work again.
no $$$ this month cos im not working for 2 weeks:(
nvm...at least more time on studies:D

2NE1 is debuting soon!!!!!
6th May!!!! FIRE!!
gong minji!!!!


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