

Friday, May 30, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
took it today!! there are still some more.. have already edit and upload on my cyworld!http://www.cyworld.com.cn/hseolrGALS~ you can view it! from now on, most of my pics, i will upload it on cyworld!so peepo! you can view them over there! hahahas~ easier lars! i can upload and edit at the same time! :Dschool today was fine! SS, revised on conflicts. and i think we really wasted a lot time during SS. i wanna score well...

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Thursday, May 29, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
hellos!im early today!!woke up at 630am today. then go to school!! today, i only had physic! cos EM, thru train do not need to go!! so after physics, went to have breakfast! went home with chaywei after that! she is funny lars~ might as well dont come hors, chaywei? hahahas~ gonna go dajie's house for dinner later..cos no one is at home today! so sad ne~ nvm, go see my baobeis! haahas~we have set our...

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새로운 생활!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
안녕!!당신은 저를 생각했는가?hahahs~shopping trip was cancelled today! :( but nevermind, we will go some other day before school resumes right? hahhas~new skin! nice mahs? i like it alot! spend quite alot of time doing this skin! 나좋아!hees~ anyhow, peepo! please cick on the nuffnang ads kies? 도와주세요~무슨일 입요?Gummy stopped all her activities becos of Laryngitis! she was tired because of busy schedule! take care unnie!Wonder Girls will make their comeback this Sat! finally! however, yoobin...

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
yoyo!!sorry did not blog yesterday!chinese paper 1 and paper 2 are over!!however, left with LC and Oral. hehs!have not much after doing my paper 1. i did 私函~ becos the topic is easier.as for compo, i did 报章报道.. i dont know whether to choose question 4 or 5.. in the end, i chose 5. not many people do question 5 cos the topic was..... when i read the question.. i was like WTH!! whatever we...

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Sunday, May 25, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
please click on the adverts pls!hehehe!!gonna read on chinese now. so nervous!i think ive studied too much on chinese and now, i feel so nervous!damn~hahahas!!bad feeling!i wanna thank Mal for giving me sucha cool nick!LOVE everyine from SG-TVXQ! hahas~pls support my blogshop too! ...

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Sunday, May 25, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
blog song had change to Wonder Girls' So Hot!hahas~ the title suits the weather now. LOLS!should be studying right now..however, i never. dont feel like.. hahas~no worries, i will study abit de lars!good luck to everyone taking olevel chinese tomorrow!!pls report to school by 7:30am! and bring I/C and dictionary!hwaiting!during this holidays, i wanna~..- go singing- go shopping- study for prelims- sleep many!!SM SHINEE has debuted!Wonder Girls comeback 31st May!YG New Girl Group coming SUMMER...

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Saturday, May 24, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
hellos!im finally back!sorry for not updating...have been staying in school late almost everyday this week. thus, i am now feeling so sleepy.alright...to be frank, i could not remember what i did during the past few days except more chinese. hehs!i had my EL oral prelim on tuesday. im quite satisfied with myself. i think this is the first time my hands were not that cold. LOLS! thursday, got called up during morning assembly. shiting and...

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Friday, May 23, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
i know you miss me..however, i will be back soon.your owner is sososo tired right now!only TVXQ and my hubbies could cure me!but i cant see them now becos i will not study.:(Wonder Girls will make a comeback on 31st May at Music Core!'So Hot' is very nice! i recommend! ...

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
5 more days to CL OLEVEL!ginjang ne!!hahas~i have lots to grumble..but now it's not the right time..ciaos~SS501 is going to Taiwan in June. Congrats taiwan's fans! ...

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Monday, May 19, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
yesterday, went out with mummy and her friends. we went terminal 3 first. lunch-ed at popeye. yum yum! ahahs~ then, we went to tampines mall. since we do not know what to do, we decided to watch movie. therefore, get tickets for what happen in vegas. nice show! laughed almost the whole movie. LOLS! after that, dined at ajisen. and home..gonna do my chinese now.ciaos! ...

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Monday, May 19, 2008 / BY hseolahcc

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Sunday, May 18, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
502!! class blog updated! pls read!hahas~every where i read are people talking about Sichuan's earthquake.To all fellow XMS students, pls donate to both Myanmar and China disasters kays?i remembered turning on to taiwan news on the 12th.. then, it was talking about earthquake happening in Sichuan. I was like...just came back from school. then days after that, i kept watching the news. my heart just bleed lars... i cried when watching it..mothers begging rescue team...

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Saturday, May 17, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
yoyo!!good afternoon peepo!went for chinese today. mr tang went through 2 topics.. went home after lesson.hehs! sorry ars~ so short!i was damn freaking pissed off with someone. just one more time, and u will see a real demon on earth!i ACT? give evidence lars! fucking bastard.. stop being like a downright bastard can? fuck off can? bloody bastard!if u bloody hate my actions, then stop talking to me or stop being friend with me. you...

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Friday, May 16, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
hello!it's friday night! hahahs~went lab for physics..did practical again... today practical was okay.. PE, did not play becos i scared i might cough even worst... EM, did test.. fail for sure! hahas! no hope! recess, ate sandwich prepared by mummy. EL, went through oral..ms mazna told us something funny! 'you know'~ hahas!! after school, went hall to collect chinese notes.. omg! 10 sets altogether! hahaas~ made my bag heavy ne! ate in school..then went to...

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Thursday, May 15, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
okay..im back to school after a day of resting at home. school wasnt that bad...except becos i cough alot and it irritates me! hahas~mrs wong was on MC today.. heard that she totally lost her voice..so mrs wong!! take care ya? 4E5N did not have our kickboxing today becos teachers were telling us about the DSA and DPA. SS, relief teacher came in..cos like what ive said..mrs wong was absent. EL, ohmy..i forgot what we...

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
yoyo!absent from school. hehs! decided to rest at home! im still sick! ya~ damn irritating!went to see chinese doctor yesterday... damn diff from polyclinic.. hahas! the medicine damn bitter! YUCK! hahas~ actually wanna see doctor today...however, mummy was damn worry about me..cos i cough like i wanna die soon. ya~ very terrible! doctor said i must not drink cold drinks..so no more cold drinks from now. then, cannot eat tidbits and chilli! so, my food...

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Monday, May 12, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
hellos!checking on suppliers for new spree..that supplier still dont wanna reply.. im running out of patience... fishball man!alright~ sch was soso...mr singh is back! yay!hahahs~ my idol! hahahas~ EL, quite boring.. hahas! i forgot to do my homework. :pegeog was okay.. did my work..and got back my test! guess how much i score!! 11/12!! ohmy! first time okay! hees~ poa, hmm..revised on COE..haiyo! im so confused!assembly was okok.. i hate people who does not have...

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Sunday, May 11, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!yo! im here!weekends study isnt a fruitful one for me. i realised my eng homework are not with me. feel so shity right now! i only get to do my accounts...i said i wanna do chem..however, i did not. i wanna skip school tomorrow. rahh~ am not feeling very well these few days. cough visited me again. yes! i am coughing as if im dying. LOLS! hate it!oh well...celebrated mother's day with my...

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Sunday, May 11, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
yummy!gahh!omg!WOW!YEAH!??sisters!mom&dad! ...

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Saturday, May 10, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
안녕하세요!currently chatting with bonejo from singapore-tvxq. she's a kpop pro kies! hahahas!!she is a nice and friendly girl.. in fact, member in that forum are all friendly. we shared the same interest! and syad! both of them added me on msn.hmmm...met chaywei and shiting at cp mac today morning! we were late for class..however, weiting sms-ed me to help ms tee buy kopi-o..nice one uh! hahahas~ the coffee smell..oh~ okay! did bao zhang bao dao......

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Friday, May 09, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
hello!i am HIGH today!! hahahas!!i fell sick again..but it's okay to me. i think there's some virus spreading in my class. hahahs!! classmates are falling sick.. 502, pls take care of yourself kies? especially those who are taking chinese O later this month.lessons were alright. english, quite boring.. i prefer doing the topic on human rights. hahas!! PE, played captain's ball.. and mrs lee said we are the captain's ball crazy. LOLS! POA, mrs tan...

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Wednesday, May 07, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
so sad~ i am not feeling well now. damn giddy..my throat hurts! WTH! i thought i was recovering but now.. it seems not. hahaas! it alright! i will take care of myself!school ended late for me today again.. tomorrow suppose to come home early..but i have meeting. hahahas! abit sucks! becos i wanna rest! hees~school has been very very busy for me.. and my friends too. the slacker me, actually studied for tests and treat...

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Tuesday, May 06, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
yoo!after a long day, im back!from ytd till today, i have no mood to study. the 'nice' weather totally ruin everything. i have headache since sunday. WTH~ now, my eye got infection. darn~ MT, ms tee is back.. she taught us how to answer compre.. POA, did incomplete record.. Chem, did bonding revision. have many questions to do! rahh~ i shall do it in the weekends. em, boring! i was in bad mood cos i...

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Monday, May 05, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
yoyo!!school today was fine..except i was damn sleepy. was having headache after lunch. hahhas! MT, mr tang was angry... and from tomorrow...we will have extra lessons on tue, wed, fri and sat. so my time will be pack with chinese. let's get over chinese and i will be free! hahahas!! EG, revision on tourism.. i wanna score well for humans! EL, watched hotel rwanda. so sad lars~ seeing the genocide took place.. bodies lying everywhere.....

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Sunday, May 04, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
HAPPY 17TH BDAE~ ANGELA YAP!!asked mummy to gove my sister $20.. ya! u may think im stingy, as a sister, i only give $20..hey! but im still a student okay! currently, im in need of money to pay all my tys! hahahas~uncle came to fetch us to pekpek dere for breakfast. ya~ have not meet my family members for quite some time. i told dajie and erjie about the interview of jacky chan and jet...

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Sunday, May 04, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
finally i post pictures!credit: wt, claris, joanne ...

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Saturday, May 03, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
it's my MUMMY's bdae today!!we will be celebrating her bdae and sister bdae tomorrow.hahahas~ 34mins more to ANGELA YAP's bdae!hhahas~mummy, i love you! ...

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Saturday, May 03, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
oh..so boring..did physics tys just now..currrently, cooking noodle for lunch. hahahas!!watching music bank later~news blog is updated! CLICK HERE!YG new girl group.. i am waiting! ...

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Friday, May 02, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
yep!as you can see, i have changed my blogskin!feel like changing again. hahas~when i have time bahs...today school was okay.. damn boring~ LOLS!physics, did tys... PE, ran 2.4... timing very bad..got a C. but im not gonna re-take. i dont know.. just dont feel like running again. hehs! EM, p1 test. it sucks totally! but im glad that i can solved one question..dat quite a number of people have problem with. disturbed chaywei during recess...

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Thursday, May 01, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
hello!!i am here becos my hair is still not yet dry. hahaas~met adeline, shiting and weiting at CP. we went bugis... started shopping~ hahahas! bought 2 tees at a shop which weiting brought us to. hahas~ fyi, i have not much tees... but becos of the stupid hot weather, i need to buy tees now. hahas! however, summer is coming...and weather is damn much hotter liaos! hahahas~ continued shopping...weiting saw a top which have mickey...

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Thursday, May 01, 2008 / BY hseolahcc
yo everybody!i was too lazy to blog yesterday and i apologise for that. hahhas!firstly, i wanna wish someone a happy belated bdae!!MR TANG!! HAPPY --ST BDAE!!LOLS!i did not know yesterday was his bdae until the boys started singing bdae song. hahahas!!school yesterday was soso.. i had headache in the afternoon. ya~ bad weather causing me not recovering from my sick for 2 weeks! hahahas~ i passed my poa test... gonna start on revision next week....

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