

by - Tuesday, August 28, 2007

i miss you!!

set my alarm last night..and today, the alarm rang twice before i wake up. hahhas~ went to bathe and then started revising math. left the house ard 8.30am.. it rained when i was half way to HG point. i was the earliest!! hahahas~ revised and waited for everyone. bought breakfast.. after eating, we went back to school. the journey back to school was disastrous. hahahas~ we were all drenched! totally drenched!!!!! oh my~ once we reached school, we headed to the toilet first. dry ourselves and proceed to the asthetics room. math paper1 was a disappointment. im gonna let mrs thang down. i left blanks... quite difficult. i really tried my best.. so im gonna study hard for paper2.. hope to score for paper2 to push my marks.

after blogging, gonna sleep. =D good girl right?
cos im waking up damn early tomorrow!! cyas!

jaejin is my love!
cos i saw him today on MTV!

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